Covid-19 in Turkey

Covid-19 in Turkey

Covid-19 in Turkey 

Covid-19 in Turkey, it was confirmed that the corona virus pandemic reached Turkey on March 11, 2020.


Turkey has delayed the entry of the virus through measures taken quickly. Although these viruses to be seen in every country around a long time not seen in Turkey. The spread of the virus is under control. With strict measures taken by the government from the first day until today. The public was effective in not spreading the virus, following the rules of social distance and hygiene rules. Corona virus pandemic in Turkey, by the end of May 2020, it is expected to be completely finished.Most shops are open middle of to may. Turkish Airlines (THY) and the other airlines will start first domestic in the may. And then beginning of June they will start for to fly international. In July and in august life will be turn normal like as before.

01 Jun new normal life start in Turkey

All shops are going to open 1st of Jun in Turkey. They will have safe rules, and social distance in the shops and in the restaurants. Everybody must use face mask. All schools are closed for this year. They will start new season in the September.


There’s no any more 14-day quarantine for tourists coming to Turkey

There’s no any more 14-day quarantine for tourists coming to Turkey. Entries start are from June 15.

Turkey has a very strong health infrastructure. They also demonstrated this by the corona virus pandemic. Travellers can come to Turkey easily. All kinds of precautions are taken.

Coronavirus: Is it safe to swim in the sea and pool, is the virus transmitted by swimming?

Researches reveal that coronavirus is very unlikely to be transmitted from sea and pool water.
In the researches, it is stated that the salt and its density in the sea water do not provide an environment suitable for the survival of the virus, and the disinfectant substances used primarily in chlorine in the pools neutralize the virus. You can safely swim holiday in Turkey by the clean sea and clean pools.

Turkey’s Safe Tourism Certification Program

“Safe Tourism Certification Program”, one of the first examples in the world, was prepared under the leadership of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, with the contributions of the Ministries of Health, Transport, Interior and Foreign Affairs and the cooperation of all stakeholders of the sector.
Turkey’s ‘Safe Tourism Certification Program’ defines and advises an extensive series of measures to be taken with regards to transportation and accommodation of all Turkish citizens and international visitors who will spend their holidays in Turkey as well as the well-being and health conditions of guests and of employees working at touristic facilities.

The first international flight to Antalya Airport was made from Germany.

The first international flight to Antalya was on 10 June from Germany. The first of 6 flights organized by a private airline was from Munich and the second was from Dusseldorf. The plane from Munich landed at the airport at 11.40, while the plane from Dusseldorf landed at 12.20.

The first international flight to Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport was from Germany.

The first plane to land at Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport was the Dusseldorf plane of Anadolu Jet. After this plane, the planes taking off from Berlin and Stuttgart also landed at the Sabiha Gökçen airport.

The First international flights started from Istanbul Airport.

Scheduled international flights, which have been stopped for three months due to the Covid-19 outbreak, restarted on 11 June. Within the of scheduled flights launched by Turkish Airlines from Istanbul Airport to Berlin, Dusseldorf, Munich and Frankfurt, London and Amsterdam, the first flight was made to the city of Dusseldorf at 08.20.

Turkey Covid-19 safest country in terms of measures

Turkey in all our airports until July 1 opening test centers.
Intense ones such as Istanbul, Antalya, Izmir, Dalaman open until July 1 and others until July 15. The guest can take a test here before returning to his home country, and the result of the test is 15 euros. As a result, it turns out in 2 hours. Also, guests can take this test at any time in health centers.

The safest holiday destination in Turkey

Turkey’s Culture and Tourism Ministry; Covid-19 test centers will open until July 1 in busy airports and July 15 in others. Turkey is the best country in Europe in health care. It is better than many countries in terms of number of hospitals, number of beds, number of healthcare workers.

Turkey still the safest place to holiday tourists

International flights to Turkey to begin with foreign tourists who come to vacation “We really miss Turkey, Turkey hello” message arrived.

Tourists coming to family or friends at the airport, “Turkey, We missed you, hello Turkey” of tourists from Turkey and still safe holiday address.

Turkey hotels will begin to open in July

With the start of international flights, it has started to open in hotels where foreign tourists will come. Hotels, touristic facilities and actively started their activities in important touristic centers such as Istanbul, Antalya, Cappadocia, Pamukkale, Fethiye and Marmaris.

Daily tours will start in July in Turkey

Safest holiday address with travel agents in Turkey begins the day tour. Daily boat tours, night dinner boat tours, guided tours of historical places, museum tours started in July.

During the normalization process of Cappadocia, tourists started to come for visiting.

Tourists wandering among the fairy chimneys and valleys covered with natural rock formations in the Cappadocia region, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, visit areas open to visitors, touring the region full of museums and visual beauty.

British tourists began to arrive in Turkey for holiday.

England, the 14-day quarantine after Turkey applied to be exempt from abroad began to arrive at British tourists. The first charter flight for the British Turkey begins on 15 July. Jet2, Britain’s leading tour operator, will have two aircraft, Dalaman and Antalya, on July 15. TUI and Easyjet from Turkey on August 1, will begin carrying the tourists. Turkish Airlines increased its flights to Antalya and Dalaman. Starting that Sun Express is preparing to increase capacity and arrange additional flights, tourism professionals state that the season will be extended until the end of November this year.

Between Turkey and Russia flights will begin on 1 August.

The flights from Russia will start in Istanbul and Ankara on August 1, and in Antalya, Dalaman and Bodrum on August 10. Russian tourists began to make dense reservations for holiday to Turkey.

Germany removed the travel warning for İzmir, Aydın, Muğla and Antalya as of August 4. German tourists coming to Turkey for holiday.

Turkey is one of only seven countries with no travel restrictions.

The International Air Transport Association’s travel (IATA) “who told the world” about other, Turkey is among the seven countries travel restrictions apply.

These 7 countries; Mexico, Brazil, Afghanistan, Turkey, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, and Albania.

When the passengers coming to Turkey from taking the test are seen not required. There is no obligation to quarantine as with other people.

Covid-19 vaccination begins in Turkey


Turkey to be held in December-January-February-19 Covidien 50 million doses of vaccine. Turkey Ministry of Health, in his statement; “We want to start the vaccination intensively in December. A contract of 50 million has been signed. We want to start the vaccination intensively in December and January. We plan to pass the domestic vaccine in April. If everything goes normal, we will start the vaccination on December 14, by giving healthcare workers.” we want.” said.

Covid-19 vaccine provides 97 percent protection

China corona virus vaccine that Turkey has ordered Sinovac announced the first results from the Phase 3 trials. Indonesia ‘state pharmaceutical agency Bio Farma has announced that the vaccine provides 97 percent protection.

All over the world, the whole country has started to apply the Covid-19 vaccine in order to end the corona virus. January 14 began as a corona virus vaccines applications in Turkey. Turkey, the world was quickly enter the country with the highest immunization in general. Within 5 days, 1 million people were vaccinated.

Turkey, one of the fastest countries in the vaccination Covid-19. All vaccination is scheduled to end until July 2021 Turkey.

Local vaccination studies in Turkey

At the of September 2021, an innovative vaccine, the VLP vaccine, will be developed and will be put into mass use all over the world.

Vaccination continues very fast in Turkey

As of the end of May 2021, 29 million vaccines have been administered. The target number of people vaccinated will be the end of June 2021 is 50 million. There are three different types of vaccines in Turkey; Biontech, Sivonac and Sputnik. People can get the vaccine which one they want. In September 2021, the local vaccine will also start.

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