


Pompeiopolis, although the eastern part of the Mediterranean coast of Turkey is abundant in ruins of ancient cities, most of them are not very impressive remains of former settlements and places of worship, in the form of modest portions of city walls, partially collapsed Byzantine churches and buildings overgrown by weeds. Of course, there are some glorious exceptions or spectacular remains of ancient civilizations, which certainly include Olba, Diocaesarea and Elaiussa-Sebaste. The photos of these sites appear in the folders that promote Mersin province, and it is not surprising that their existence is widely known. Meanwhile, on the land belonging to the agglomeration of Mersin one can also find very interesting, and what’s more – photogenic ruins of the ancient city of Pompeiopolis. Their existence is a very pleasant surprise, especially since the coast in the vicinity of Mersin is quite tightly enclosed by the housing estates that make very unpleasant impression of a concrete wall obscuring the view of the sea.

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