


Ordu is the most suitable city of east black sea region by the means of sea tourism, Ordu City has sufficient potential for neighbor cities tourism demands by either existing beaches or settlement places interior from shore. Beaches around the Ordu city formed a capacity due to occupy summer demands and and occupy daily tourism activities. Ordu has a borderline oceanic/humid subtropical climate like most of the eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey ; with warm and humid summers and cool and damp winters. Ordu has a high and evenly distributed precipitation throughout the year. Precipitation is heaviest in autumn and spring. Snowfall is quite common between the months of December and March, snowing for a week or two, and it can be heavy once it snows. The water temperature, like in the rest of the Black Sea coast of Turkey, is always cool and fluctuates between 8° and 20°C throughout the year.

Places To Visit;

History of Ordu Paşaoğlu Mansion Etnography Museum is located at the provincial center in Selimiye neighbourhood on Taşocak Street, which is one of the most beautiful examples of our 19th century civic architecture is a three storey bulding including the ground floor. The building covers an area of 625 m² together with its garden. The stones of the mansion were brought from Ünye, its wood and tiles from Romania and craftsmen from İstanbul were engaged in its construction. The ground floor is arranged as the administative offices, the first floor as the section of ethnographic materials and the second floor to reflect the characteristics mansion life. The building which is known as the “Paşaoğlu Mansion”

(Paşaoğlu Konağı) is a first class example of civic architecture. It was built by Paşaoğlu Hüseyin Efendi, one of the rich notables of Ordu, in 1896. Paşaoğlu mansion was expropriated in 1982 by the General Directorate of Historical Works and Museums of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture and its restoration started in 1983. It was inaugurated as Paşaoğlu Mansion and Ethnography Museum on 18 November 1987 when the restoration and display arrangements were completed. With the restoration of Paşaoğlu mansion and by opening it to public as a museum another one of the rare examples of civic architecture of the Black Sea region that survived from the last century to our times has been saved for the coming generations.
Museum Tel: +90 (452) 223 25 96
Opening in: Summer period: 08:30 – 17:30 and Winter period: 08:00 – 16:30
Open days to visit: Everyday except Monday.

Kurul Rock ancient settlement area is placed on Kurul rock at Bayadı Village, Center County. In this place there are one cistern built by engraving the rock and a vestibule goes down by stairs estimated to be a water way. Beside them there are building ruins and ceramic pieces remains from different periods can be seen on surface. Cape Yason Natural and Archeological Sit Area in the borders of Çaytepe village Perşembe county, is form of a little peninsula lie towards sea. By means of second degree natural and archeological sit area it taken under protection. On this area a church with garden wall ruin still out stands. Moreover some parts of wall ruins lies all along the sea coast, ancient port and fish breeding pools remained to nowadays.

Atik Ibrahim Paşa Mosque (Mosque-Center) is located in the center of the city, the mosque is named as the Central Mosque by the local folk and was constructed by the Atik Ibrahim Paşa in the year 1080. The first niche of the mosque was constructed in the style of Seljukian Architecture and had stayed at the mosque for long years but however, the niche was removed in 1340 and placed to the Selimiye Mosque. At the same time period, the richly adorned niche constructed with the empiric period architecture from the soft stones had been installed instead of the mentioned niche. The mosque has a single minaret with double minaret balconies. Ordu Highlands Perşembe Highlands is 124 km from Ordu. The infrastructure of this highland village (elevation 1350 m.) has been completed. This highland village is an important fairground and the view from nearby Karga Hill is one of rare beauty.

There are small markets, a green grocer, a butcher, a tea house, restaurant and a post office here. Keyfalan Highland is 114 km south to Mesudiye. The infrastructure of this highland village is partially in place. There are about 50 houses in the village at 1200 m. Çambaşı Highland is located within borders of the municipality of Kabadüz 58 km south of Ordu. The road to Kabadüz is asphalt for the first 21 km, the remaining 37 km. is a dirt road. During the tourist season (June-September), there is a minibus service to the village from Ordu.

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