
Bartın is a city in northern Turkey, the capital of the province of Bartın. Formerly a district of Zonguldak Province, Bartın has been made into a province seat in 1991 with the constitution of its province, including 4 districts: the Central Bartın, Amasra, Kurucasile, and Ulus). Bartın is a member of the Norwich-based European Association of Historic Towns and Regions.
Main sights include the castle, two churches, bedesten, the Kuskayasi Road Monument and inziva (seclusion) cave in the city center. Sections of the ancient city like the forum, the council palace, the road of honor, the theatre, the acropolis and a necropolis are now below the ground.
The history of the antique Parthenios city dates back to 1200 BC, when its area was inhabited by the Gasgas tribe. In the following centuries, the region had entered under the dominance of Hittites, Phrygians, Cimmerians, Lydians, Persians and Macedonians. Later it was part of the Roman Empire and then of the Byzantine Empire, until it fell to the Seljuk Turks and the Candarogullari State between the 11th and the 13th centuries AD. Bartın was conquered by the Ottoman sultan Bayezid I in 1392. Places to Visit ; Ancient Cities There are numerous ancient city ruins inside the borders of historic Paphlagonia region. Ancient cities of Sesamos (Amasra), Kromna (Kurucaşile) and Erythinoi (Çakraz) are located inside the borders of Bartın. The castle, two churches, bedesten, Kuşkayası Road Monument (Unique in the world) and inziva (seclusion) cave inside the city center are among the visual parts of the ancient city. The sections of the ancient city like forum, council palace, road of honor, theatre, acropolis, necropolis are below ground. Beaches İnkumu, Amasra, Çakraz, Kızılkum, Mogada, Güzelcehisar and Bozköy beaches are not only the most important beaches of the province, but also in West Black Sea Region. Bartın Houses The wooden Bartın Houses display the architectural characteristics of the art movements brought forth to Turkey by the Tanzimat Fermanı (Reforms Decree). Marinas The marinas of Amasra and Kurucaşile are suitable to yachts for over night stay. Kurucaşile, is known as being the place where the mountains touch the sea and the place where the first wooden boat constructed in the world had flayed. This district persists its fame with the construction of the most beautiful wooden schooners in Turkey. Kastamonu – Küre Mountain National Park lies between Kastamonu and Bartin, in the western Black Sea region. The nearest large town is Zonguldak, on the west, and the park is off the coastal road running west towards Bartin. This park has the variety of flora and fauna but is also one of the places least affected by industrialisation. Around the area are Azdavay, Pinarbasi, Ulus, Bartin, Kurucasile, Amasra and Cide districts. The main animal species found here deer, roe deer, bears, wolves, foxes, jackals, rabbits, wild boar, singing birds, birds of prey and reptiles. Recommended places to visit are Ilica Waterfalls, Valla Canyon, Aydos Canyon, and Ilgarini Cave. Caves The Gürcüoluk cave in Çakraz and the Sipahiler cave in Kayadibi exhibits wonderful spectacles with the formations of stalactites, stalagmites, travertine and bulb.
Places To Visit ;
Ancient Cities
There are numerous ancient city ruins inside the borders of historic Paphlagonia region. Ancient cities of Sesamos (Amasra), Kromna (Kurucaşile) and Erythinoi (Çakraz) are located inside the borders of Bartın.
The castle, two churches, bedesten, Kuşkayası Road Monument (Unique in the world) and inziva (seclusion) cave inside the city center are among the visual parts of the ancient city. The sections of the ancient city like forum, council palace, road of honor, theatre, acropolis, necropolis are below ground.
İnkumu, Amasra, Çakraz, Kızılkum, Mogada, Güzelcehisar and Bozköy beaches are not only the most important beaches of the province, but also in West Black Sea Region.
Bartın Houses
The wooden Bartın Houses display the architectural characteristics of the art movements brought forth to Turkey by the Tanzimat Fermanı (Reforms Decree).
The marinas of Amasra and Kurucaşile are suitable to yachts for over night stay. Kurucaşile, is known as being the place where the mountains touch the sea and the place where the first wooden boat constructed in the world had flayed. This district persists its fame with the construction of the most beautiful wooden schooners in Turkey.
Kastamonu – Küre Mountain National Park lies between Kastamonu and Bartin, in the western Black Sea region. The nearest large town is Zonguldak, on the west, and the park is off the coastal road running west towards Bartin. This park has the variety of flora and fauna but is also one of the places least affected by industrialisation. Around the area are Azdavay, Pinarbasi, Ulus, Bartin, Kurucasile, Amasra and Cide districts. The main animal species found here deer, roe deer, bears, wolves, foxes, jackals, rabbits, wild boar, singing birds, birds of prey and reptiles. Recommended places to visit are Ilica Waterfalls, Valla Canyon, Aydos Canyon, and Ilgarini Cave.
The Gürcüoluk cave in Çakraz and the Sipahiler cave in Kayadibi exhibits wonderful spectacles with the formations of stalactites, stalagmites, travertine and bulb.
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